Kata - Forms

        Kata Translated means Form.  Kata is made up of imaginary combats against, in most cases, relatively slow moving, real or imaginary opponents.  Kata is constructed of sequences of basic, intermediate, and advanced techniques, which are meant to be performed with technical accuracy.  Kata is practiced as much for perfecting techniques as well as for appreciative experience derived from movements.  All Kata must begin and end with a bow to the masters and his assistants.     




Ten No Kata Omote Shodan Universal Preparatory Kata First Stage
Taikyoku Shodan First Cause First Stage
Taikyoku Shodan-Dai First cause First Stage Advanced
Taikyoku Nidan First causr Second Stage
Taikyoku Sandan Fist Cause Third Stage
Ten No Kata Ura Shodan Universal Preparatory Kata First Stage With Partner
Uke Kata Block Form
Heian Shodan Peaceful Mind First Stage
Heian Nidan Peaceful Mind Second Stage
Jin No Truth of Forms
Sanchin Three Battles/Conflicts of Mind Body & Spirit
Wakai Yushi Young Warrior
Tatakia Tamashi Fighting Spirit
Komichi Pathway
Heian Sandan Peaceful Mind Third Stage
Heian Godan Peaceful Mind Fifth Stage
Seiuchin Calm Before The Storm
Naihanchin Iron Horse
Tsuki No Luck & Fortune
Bassai To Penetrate a Fortress
Seisan Thirteen Steps