Heian Sandan

  1. Yoi. Assume a natural stance, hachi-dachi

  2. After a sharp look left, assume a left back stance by moving the left out along the upper horizontal. While moving, execute an inside block with the left hand.

  3. Shifting weight to the left foot, slide the right foot to left (feet together facing original left). As the feet come together, execute a downward block with the right hand, without moving the left. Then, in rapid succession, execute a right hand inside block/left downward block, right downward/left inside block combination.

  4. Look over your right shoulder and step out to the rear into a back stance. While moving, execute an inside block with the right hand.

  5. Shifting weight to the right foot, slide the left foot to right (feet together facing right). As the feet come together, execute a downward block with the left hand, without moving the right. Then, in rapid succession, execute a left hand inside block/right downward block, left downward/right inside block combination.

  6. Look sharply to the left. Step out to the front in a back stance while executing an augmented left inside block.

  7. Step forward into a right front stance, executing a right spear hand strike (supporting the right arm with the back of the left hand below the right elbow).

  8. Turn your right hand over and make a fist (as if grabbing someone's shirt). Step up with your left foot and begin to turn counterclockwise, bringing your left foot around behind your right. As you are turning, your right hand will go behind your back, still in a fist. Upon completing the turn, end in a right-facing kiba dachi, and execute a left bottom fist strike, bringing your right hand into the chamber.

  9. Step forward into a right forward stance and execute a right punch.

  10. Bring the left foot up to and around behind the right. End facing the rear, with both fists on hips, elbows pointing to the sides.

  11. Right leg Front Kick, stamp down with the right foot into horse stance facing 3:00. Follow immediately with a Right elbow block and Right back fist. Return the right hand to the hip.

  12. Left leg Front Kick, stomp down with left foot into horse stance facing 9:00.  Follow immediately with a Left elbow block and Left Back fist.  Return the left hand to the hip.

  13. Right leg Front Kick, stamp down with the right foot into horse stance facing 3:00. Follow immediately with a Right elbow block and Right back fist. Return the right hand to the hip. 

  14. Right hand smacks center of chest making a “C” with hand as if grabbing someone’s fist from your chest.  Extend Hand straight out towards 6:00. 

  15. Stepping forward into a left forward stance, execute a mid-level punch.

  16. Stepping up with the right foot into kiba dachi facing 6:00 left fist still extended 

  17. Turn around with left foot, into a front-facing kiba dachi. Execute a left hand groin block.  

  18. In conjunction with a very short hop to the right, maintaining a front-facing kiba dachi and perform a groin block with right hand.

  19. Yame

  20. Yame, Rei.