
The Entire Kata, Except where noted, is done with full tension breathing (Teno-Kokyu).

 After yoi, at chest level, Left hand open with palm facing chest, Right fist smacks palm of Left hand.  Proceed to lower hands together towards groin, stopping at Obi (Belt).  As you reach your Obi (Belt), your Right foot Steps out to shoulder width.   

  1. Step forward with left foot into Sanchin Dachi, facing 12:00.  Ni Tate Chudan Uke (Double vertical chest block). Left hand moves in front of right.

  1. Right Fist medium speed to left side belt (obi) level, draw right fist along obi (do not touch obi), right fist vertical chest punch (tate chudan tsuki), return right fist to vertical block position.

  1. Left fist medium sped to right elbow, perform left vertical chest block (Tate Chudan Uke).

  1. Right fist medium sped to left elbow, perform Right vertical chest block (Tate Chudan Uke).

  1. Step Back with right foot into a horse stance facing 2:00

  1. Bring both hands in chamber, drop both hands in shuto position to belt level (Palms facing up).  Double nukite to abdomen in front of you, bring both hands, in shuto position, up on an angle (hands meet jaw level) medium speed.  Bring both hands, in shuto position, down at an angle to shoulder level.

  1. Step forward with right foot into a sanchin dachi facing 12:00 double vertical chest block (Tate chudan uke), right arm in front of left. 

  1. Left fist medium speed to right side belt (obi) level, draw left fist along obi (do not touch obi), left fist vertical chest block (tate chudan tsuki), return left fist to vertical block position.

  1. Right fist medium speed to right elbow.  Perform right vertical chest block (tate chudan uke).

  1. Left fist medium speed to right elbow, perform left vertical chest block (tate chudan uke).

  1. Step back with left foot into a horse stance facing 10:00.

  1. Bring both hands in chamber, drop both hands in shuto position to belt level (Palms facing up).  Double nukite to abdomen in front of you, bring both hands, in shuto position, up on an angle (hands meet jaw level) medium speed.  Bring both hands, in shuto position, down at an angle to shoulder level.

  1. Step forward with left foot into a sanchin dachi facing 12:00, double vertical chest block (tate chudan uke).  Left arm in front of right.

  1. Right fist medium speed to left side belt (obi) level, draw right fist along obi (do not touch obi), right fist vertical chest punch (tate chudan tsuki), return right fist to vertical block position. 

  1. Left fist medium speed to right elbow, perform left vertical chest block (tate chudan uke)

  1. Right fist medium speed to left elbow.  Perform right vertical chest block (tate chudan uke).

  1. Left fist medium speed to right side belt (obi) level, draw left fist along obi (do not touch obi), left fist vertical chest block (tate chudan tsuki), return left fist to vertical block position.

  1. Right fist medium speed to right elbow.  Perform right vertical chest block (tate chudan uke).

  1. Left fist medium speed to right elbow, perform left vertical chest block (tate chudan uke

  1. Right fist medium speed to left side belt (obi) level, draw right fist along obi (do not touch obi), right fist vertical chest punch (tate chudan tsuki), return right fist to vertical block position. 

  1. Left fist medium speed to right elbow, perform left vertical chest block (tate chudan uke)

  1. Right fist medium speed to left elbow.  Perform right vertical chest block (tate chudan uke).

  1. Step back with left foot into a sanchin dachi facing 12:00

  1. Bring both hands in chamber, drop both hands in shuto position to belt level (Palms facing up).  Double nukite to abdomen in front of you, bring both hands, in shuto position, up on an angle (hands meet jaw level) medium speed.  Bring both hands, in shuto position, down at an angle to shoulder level.

  1. Repeat Step 24 two more times.

  1. Step back into horse stance facing 10:00.

  1. Hands shift, right directly over left with both palms facing outwards.  Hands make circular clockwise motion until left is directly above right, palms still facing outward with left fingers pointing up and right fingers pointing down.  Both hands palm heal strike (teisho uchi).  Left hand on top, circle hands counter clockwise until right hand is directly above left.  Bring both hands into chamber in spear hand position.  double nukite strike, Right to throat, left to groin.

  1. Step back with right foot into a horse stance facing 2:00, keeping hands in same position.

  1. Hands make circular clockwise motion until left is directly above right, palms still facing outward with left fingers pointing up and right fingers pointing down.  Both hands palm heal strike (teisho uchi).  Left hand on top, circle hands counter clockwise until right hand is directly above left.  Bring both hands into chamber in spear hand position.  Double nukite strike, Right to throat, left to groin.

  1. Right foot comes along side of left, left hand shuto with palm inwards, right fist in palm, light slap and proceed down to groin, hands circle out and slap side, bow, with hands still at side, Rei.