Heian Nidan

1.  Turn and step with left facing 9:00 into Back Stance (Kokutsu Dachi), Left hand over right in a downward X Block.  Double block, Left hand Chest Block (Chudan Uke), Right hand Head Block (Jodan Uke),  Right hand Middle punch (Chudan Tsuki) with your Left hand fist next to ear.  Shift to Horse stance (Kiba Dachi), Left Hand Outside to Inside Chest Block (Chudan Soto Uke)Right Hand Closed Fist under left Elbow palm facing down.  Left hand Horizontal Hammer Fist (Tettsui Uchi) to left side.

 2.      Shift feet into Back Stance (Kokutsu Dachi) facing 3:00, Right hand over Left in a downward X Block.  Double block, Right hand Chest Block (Chudan Uke), left hand Head Block (Jodan Uke),  Left hand Middle punch (Chudan Tsuki) with your right hand fist next to ear.  Shift to Horse stance (Kiba Dachi), Right Hand Outside to Inside Chest Block (Chudan Soto Uke)Left Hand Closed Fist under Right Elbow palm facing down.  Right hand Horizontal Hammer Fist (Tettsui Uchi) to Right side.

 3.      Right Leg moves to Left Foot forming an “L” With the feet.  Facing 6:00.  Left hand in chamber closed fist, Right Hand closed fist straight against right leg.  Move Right hand in a big circular motion placing Right hand on top of Left (As if Putting away a Samurai Sword).

 4.      Right hand Horizontal Hammer Fist Strike (Tettsui Uchi) to the right leaving arm extended,  Right leg side Kick (Yoko Geri) Underneath Right hand, Right let steps across left foot now facing 12:00.  Left foot steps straight out into back Stance (Kokutsu Dachi).  Left Hand Open Hand Chest Block (Chudan Shuto Uke),.  Right Hand open Palm facing up across Solar Plexus.

 5.      Step forward with Right Foot into back Stance (Kokutsu Dachi).  Right Hand Open Hand Chest Block (Chudan Shuto Uke),.  Left Hand open Palm facing up across Solar Plexus.

 6.      Step forward with Left Foot into back Stance (Kokutsu Dachi).  Left Hand Open Hand Chest Block (Chudan Shuto Uke),.  Right Hand open Palm facing up across Solar Plexus.

 7.      Left hand Shuto Strike to the lower abdomen Palm facing down & Fingers pointing to the Right Side. Leave hand in this position.  Step forward with Right fool into Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi), Right Hand Knife Hand Strike (Shuto Uchi) to the groin over left hand Kiai.

 8.      Step with left foot to the Right (Blind Turn), into Left side forward Back Stance (Kokutsu Dachi), Left hand Open Chest block (Chudan Shuto Uke).  Right hand open Palm Facing up Across Solo Plexus.

 9.      With right foot step on a 45 Degree angle into Back Stance (Kokutsu Dachi), Right hand Knife Strike (Shuto Uchi), to collar bone, Left hand Open palm facing up across Solar Plexus.

 10.  Stepping Backwards with Right Foot turn and face 3:00 into Back Stance (Kokutsu Dachi), right Hand open chest block (Chudan Shuto Uke), Left Hand Open Palm up across solar Plexus.

 11.  Stepping with left foot on a 45 Degree Angle into back stance (Kokutsu Dachi), Left hand Knife Hand Strike (Shuto Uke) to Collar bone, Right Hand open palm facing up across Solar Plexus.

 12.  Stepping with left foot into Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi), Facing 6:00.  At same time Right hand Ridge hand Strike (Haito Uchi) to attackers Knee continuing Movement with right hand into Chest Block (Chudan Uke), left hand in Chamber.

 13.  Right leg Front Kick (Mae Geri), Stepping down into Long Stance(Zenkutsu Dachi).  Left hand Middle Punch (Chudan Tsuki), Left hand Chest Block (Chudan Uke). Right hand in Chamber.

 14.  Left leg Front Kick (Mae Geri), stepping down to left side Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi).  Left hand Middle Punch (Chudan Tsuki).

 15.  Stepping with Right leg into Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi). Right hand Reinforced Chest Block (Chudan Uke) Kiai.

 16.  Left blind turn to the right facing 3:00 left side forward Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi).  Left hand Groin Block (Gedan Uke).  Right hand in Chamber.

 17.  Right leg steps up to left side forward Cat Stance  (Niko Ashi Dachi) on a 45 Degree  angle. Left hand Ox hand strike.  Right Hand in Chamber.

 18.  Step Through with Right leg into Long Stance ( Zenkutsu Dachi).Right Hand Head block (Jodan Uke) Sliding right forearm with left hand.  Left hand in chamber.

 19.  Right leg steps to the right into long stance (Zenkutsu Dachi) facing 9:00.  Right hand Groin block (Gedan Uke), Left Hand in Chamber.

 20.  Left leg steps up to right side forward Cat Stance (Niko Ashi Dachi).  Right hand Ox Hand strike.  Left hand in chamber.

 21.  Step through with Left leg into Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi) on a 45 Degree angle.  Left hand Head Block (Jodan Uke) slapping left forearm with right hand.  Right Hand in Chamber.

 22.  Yame backwards with left leg facing 12:00

 23.  Yame – Bow (Rei)