
  1. Hands at chest level with left over right, left palm open facing chest, right fist into left palm, feet together, lower hands to groin, push heels out as hands reach and pass obi.

  1. Raise right foot and step across to left (in front of left foot which stays in place), raise left foot and step to left in a sanchin dachi.

  1. Left hand shuto block to the side (palm up), right hand chambers in obi.

  1. Elbow strike to left side with right  arm (yoko empi uchi) into left hand

  1. Drop both hands to obi at hip (right fist over left), execute right side vertical block (Yoko Tate uke).

  1. As you raise the right foot to left knee and then return to sanchin dachi, left hand shuto to mid section (palm up), right hand on obi.

  1. Raise left foot and cross to right (in front of right foot, which stays in place), raise right foot and step to right.  In sanchin dachi.

  1. Left hand open chest block with palm up, then left hand low block.

  1. Right hand up to ear with the left fist reinforcing under the elbow, execute a back fist strike (uraken uchi).

  1. Right hand outside to inside chest block (Soto uke) while raising then lowering the left knee, then two vertical punches towards 2:00.

  1. Repeat steps 3 – 10 from the opposite side.

  1. Yame

  1. Yame, Rei.