Wakai Yushi

  1. Step backwards with right foot into Neko Ashi Dachi (Cat Stance), both hands twisting into natural fighting position.


  1. Extend left hand into middle punch position while stepping forward with the right foot into long stance (Zenkutsu dachi), left hand in chamber.


  1. Left foot advances towards 10:00 into a horse stance (kiba dachi), left hand medium speed groin block, right hand in chamber.


  1. Extend left hand (open) to 12:00 as a target for crescent kick (mikazuki geri), right foot outside inside crescent kick (mikazuki geri) striking extended left hand, right hand in chamber.


  1. Right from crescent kick (mikazuki geri) with the right foot got into a long stance (zenkutsu dachi) facing 2:00, right hand groin block, left hand in chamber.   Kiai


  1. Bring right foot back into a cat stance (neko ashi dachi) still facing 2:00, both hands open and in a fighting position.


  1. Chamber right foot and throw a back kick (ushiro geri) towards 6:00 and drop down into a horse stance (kiba dachi), right hand groin block (gedan uke), left hand in chamber.


  1. In one motion slide the left foot next to the right, left hand in a fist to right elbow, pause a second, extend left foot towards 4:00 in a long stance, left hand tension middle block extend past shoulder, right hand in chamber.


  1. Step wit right foot towards 4:00 into a horse stance, right hand elbow strike (empi uchi), right hand back fist (uraken tsuki), left hand groin punch, right hand chest punch.   Kiai


  1. Shift into long stance facing 12:00 keeping your right hand extended, left hand in chamber.  Front Kick with right foot beneath extended right hand and bring right foot back towards 6:00 into a horse stance, body facing 3:00, looking to 2:00, left hand groin block, right hand in chamber.


  1. Slide left foot next to right and extend out towards 9:00 into a horse stance, bring left hand (open) in front of right hand in chamber (Not touching), covering techniques.


  1. Left hand open chest block looking forward.  As left hand passes in front of you follow it pass your body, right hand in chamber.


  1. Shift into a long stance extend both hands grabbing head, smash head with right knee (hiza geri), with leg still elevated, hands open and facing 6:00 (Left on top of Right), make a slight pushing motion towards 6:00.


  1. In one motion, shift body from facing 9:00 to 2:00, both hands are open.  As you turn switch hands to right over left and gently place right foot down into a cat stance (neko ashi dachi).


  1. Yame with left foot


  1. Yame, rei, bow.