
  1. Double Chest Block (Ni Chudan Uke), Double Groin Block (Ni Gedan Uke), Raise Hands up to chamber, Double Groin Punch (Ni Gedan Tsuki).

  1. Right Leg steps back into long stance (Zenkutsu Dachi).  Left hand Chest block (Chudan Uke), Right hand Chest punch (Chudan Tsuki). Twist Left hand into vertical punch (Tate Tsuki.

  1. Step forward with right foot into long stance (zenkutsu dachi), left hand chest punch, and then twist so fist is in vertical punch position.

  1. Step Forward with let foot into long stance (zenkutsu dachi), right hand chest punch (Chudan Tsuki), then twist so fist is in vertical punch position. 

  1. Raise fist to jaw level.  Left hand in closed fist is placed on top of right fist.  Brig both hands in stacked position to right hip.  Simultaneously, left hand Head block (Jodan Uke), right hand chest punch (Chudan Tsuki).

  1. Hands cross in front of chest open hand palms facing towards body left hand on top.  Hands extend forward grabbing opponent’s shoulders and pulling down while right foot throws front kick (mai geri).  Right leg steps down to mate.  Hands open drop down along side of body finger tips pointing to the ground. Kiai.

  1. (With tension Breathing) Right leg steps forward into long stance (Zenkutsu Dachi), Right hand open chest block (chudan shuto uke).  Grab neck and pull down slightly.  Left hand open straight down along side.

  1. (With tension Breathing) Left leg steps forward into long stance (Zenkutsu Dachi), Left hand open chest block (chudan shuto uke).  Grad neck and pull down slightly.  Right hand open straight down along side. 

  1. Repeat Step 7

  1. Left leg steps on a 45 degree angle into Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi).  Left hand chest block (chudan uke).  Right hand Chest Punch (Chudan tsuki), Left hand chest punch (Chudan Tsuki).  Right leg Front Kick.  Right leg returns to original position.  Chest punch with right hand.

  1. Pivot on both feet to face right side on a 45 degree angle.  Right hand chest block (Chudan Uke).  Left hand chest punch.  Right hand chest punch.  Left leg front kick (Mai Geri).  Left leg placed back to original position.  Left hand Chest punch (Chudan Tsuki). 

  1. Left foot steps into long stance (Zenkutsu Dachi) facing 6:00.  Left hand chest block (Chudan Uke).  Right hand Chest punch (Chudan Tsuki), Left hand Chest punch (Chudan Tsuki.  Right leg front kick (Mai Geri) and places back to original position.  Right hand chest punch (Chudan Tsuki), Left hand Chest block (Chudan Uke).

  1. Left foot step across and up so feet are together facing 12:00.  Hands are on left side of belt, Right on top of left. 

  1. Right foot steps forward into cross over stance.  Left hand rake the face and protect ribs while right hand back fist.

  1. Left leg steps back into Cat stance (Niko ashi dachi).  Right hand Chudan Soto Uke, Left hand open slaps right forearm.  Right hand uppercuts while right leg front kick (Mai geri).  Right leg steps down into long stance (Zenkutsu Dachi).  Right hand Groin Block (Gedan Uke), left hand chest punch (Chudan Tsuki).  Right hand Chest block (Chudan Uke).

  1. Right leg moves across and up to left foot so feet are together facing 6:00.  Both hands are on right side of belt with the left hand on top.

  1. Left foot steps straight into cross over stance.  Rake face with right hand and protect ribs as left hand back fist to face. 

  1. Step back with right foot into Cat Stance (Niko Ashi Dachi).  Left hand Chudan Soto Uke, right hand open slaps left forearm.  Left hand uppercuts while left leg front kick (Mai Geri).  Left leg steps down into long stance (zenkutsu dachi).  Left hand groin block (Gedan uke), right hand chest punch (Chudan Tsuki) Left hand chest block (chudan Uke). 

  1. Right leg mate into long stance (zenkutsu dachi) facing 12:00.  Right hand groin block (gedan uke).  Right hand Chest block (Chudan Uke), left hand chest punch 9chudan tsuki).

  1. Right foot steps back so feet are together.  Both hands rise up above head and Diamond block (Blocking the sun).

  1. Right foot steps back to Long stance (Zenkutsu dachi).  Open hand strike with both hands, left hand to the outside of left knee palm facing the ground, right hand palm facing up to outside of chest. 

  1. Right leg steps up and repeat  step 1

  1. Yame, Yame, Rei.