
  1. Slowly raise extended arms forward, open hands facing down, to shoulder height.  Continue to extend arms out to either side and return to front with open left hand covering right fist.  At the same time as the hands are returned to front, slide the right foot next to left, knees are slightly bent.  Twisting towards 9:00 raise up on balls of feet with the left heel over the right toes.  Raising arms and lower left fist into a reinforced block position at right elbow.

  1. Fall forward into a reinforced chest block facing 9:00, looking at 12:00, left foot behind right.

  1. Step out with left foot towards 6:00 into zenkutsu dachi, with double chudan uke, first left then right.

  1. Step out with left foot towards 12:00 into a zenkutsu dachi; left hand Soto uke, right hand reverse punch.

  1. Bring right foot next to left facing 3:00, left hand in chamber, right hand sweeping gedan uke and continue block until fist is at head level.

  1. Step forward with right foot into zenkutsu dachi, right hand hammer fist to temple, left hand reverse punch.

  1. Move left foot into kiba dachi facing 12:00, right hand in chamber, left hand open covers right fist.

  1. Left hand chudan shuto uke, right hand reverse punch, right hand chudan uke.

  1. Open right hand covers left fist (in chamber).  Right hand chudan shuto uke, left hand reverse punch, left hand chudan uke.

  1. Step forward with right foot towards 12:00 into kokutsu dachi, right hand chudan shuto uke, left hand open in chamber.

  1. Step forward with left foot towards 12:00 into kokutsu dachi, left hand chudan shuto uke, right hand open in chamber.

  1. Step forward with right foot towards 12:00 into kokutsu dachi, right hand chudan shuto uke, left hand open in chamber.

  1. Step back with right foot into kokutsu dachi facing 12:00, left hand chudan shuto uke, right hand open in chamber. 

  1. Step outward with right foot into zenkutsu dachi, right hand reverse punch, left hand in chamber.

  1. Left hand reaches over and grabs right wrist, Right hand turns in a clockwise motion, grabbing opponent, right foot front kick landing in a kokutsu dachi facing 6:00.  Left hand chudan shuto uke, right hand open in chamber.

  1. Step up with feet parallel and fists on obi.

  1. Raisin fists over head together, step forward with right foot into zenkutsu dachi and perform a double hammer fist strike to kidneys.

  1. Raise right foot and shuffle forward into a zenkutsu dachi, right hand chudan tsuki, and left hand in chamber.

  1. Right foot steps across left into kokutsu dachi facing 12:00, right fist extends behind head. Left fist gedan uke.

  1. Raising right foot into a front kick chamber, step down into kiba dachi facing 9:00 right hand groin block, left hand in chamber.

  1. Bring both arms in front of chest with right fist on bottom, facing up and left fist on top facing down.  Make circular motion with open left hand towards 6:00 and bring right fist in chamber.

  1. Extend open left hand in front of you, right foot crescent kick striking left hand and ending in kiba dachi facing 9:00.  Right hand gedan uke, left hand in chamber.

  1. Switch kiba dachi from facing 9:00 to 3:00and empi uchi with right elbow.  Immediately drop right fist into a gedan tsuki with open left hand remaining at right elbow.  Double gedan uke, left first, then right.

  1. Right foot steps out into zenkutsu dachi, right hand Soto uke, left hand chudan uke.

  1. Right foot steps forward into zenkutsu dachi, double chudan tsuki, right hand Soto uke, and left hand chudan uke.

  1. Turn left wrist clockwise, open right hand circular over head chop across left wrist, opening left hand.  Grabbing opponent with both hands, step backwards with right foot on a 45 degree angle into a kiba dachi and throw opponent towards 5:00, keeping both hands open and looking forward.

  1. Step up with right foot into seisan dachi with both hands open, pointing up with knife edge forward.

  1. Step out with left foot on a 45 degree angle into a kokutsu dachi, left hand chudan shuto uke, right hand in chamber.

  1. Yame Backwards with left foot.

  1. Yame, Rei.