
  1. Step forward with left foot into a sanchin dachi facing 12:00 both arms advanced chest block (SLOW 3-5 Second Count).

  2.  Hands recoil back to chamber and throw a double punch, left hand high palm down, right hand low palm up. 

  3. Still facing 12:00 grab opponent, sweep with left leg and slam onto floor.   

  4. Pivot on left foot – right foot moves into seiuchin dachi facing 9:00.  Both hands open drop on front together (left hand on top of right). 

  5.  Tension breathing – keep hand together glide hands up body at shoulder level snap into vertical block on either sides of your head.

  6.  Head snaps and looks to 12:00, with tension breathing, down block with both hands.

  7.  Right hand shuto to neck (Palm facing up), right hand shuto to mid section (Pal facing down).  Left hand (Fist) on obi.

  8.  Right hand returns to chamber on obi, left hand across body nukite strike to midsection (Palm facing up).

  9.  Right foot pivots left foot moves into seiuchin dachi facing 9:00, both hands open drop in front together (Left hand on top of right).

  10.  Repeat steps 5, 6, 7 (opposite hands), & 8 (opposite hands).

  11.  Pivot on Left foot – right foot moves into seiuchin dachi facing 9:00.  Both hands open drop on front together (left hand on top of right).

  12.  Repeat steps 5, 6, 7, & 8

  13.  After nukite strike, right hand comes out of chamber and does a back fist vertical strike to head using hand as a target.

  14.  Right foot withdraws into a cat stance (niko ashi dachi) facing 12:00, right hand to chamber (obi).  Left hand covering technique.

  15.  Step forward with right foot into shizen tai dachi, right hand punch to midsection with left hand on top pf right.

  16.  Grab opponent with left hand and elbow strike coming upwards with right elbow, left hand on top of right elbow.

  17.  Left foot pivots, right foot moves into long stance facing 2:00, starting from solar plexus do an augmented block with right hand.

  18.  Right foot pivots, left foot comes around 180 degrees into a horse stance still facing 2:00.  Left hand advanced groin block, right hand on obi.

  19.  Retreat 180 degrees into a horse stance.  Still facing 2:00.  Right hand advanced groin block, left hand on obi.

  20.  Step forward with left foot into a long stance facing 10:00.  starting from solar plexus do an augmented block with left hand.

  21.  left foot pivots, right foot comes around 180 degrees into a horse stance still facing 10:00.  Right hand advanced groin block, left hand on obi.

  22.  Retreat 180 degrees into a horse stance still facing 10:00.  Left hand advanced groin block, right hand on obi.

  23. Right foot pivots, left foot moves into pigeon toed stance, facing 9:00 but looking at 12:00.  left hand moves across head to back, right hand strikes to midsection.  Both hands are open and move simultaneously.

  24. Left foot pivots, right foot moves back into pigeon toed stance.  Right hand moves across head to back, left hand strikes to mid section.  Both hands are open and move simultaneously.

  25. Step forward with right foot into a seisan dachi facing 12:00.  Right hand outside to inside chest block (chudan soto uke), left hand augmented block. 

  26. Step forward again with right foot into a seisan dachi stance, right hand back fist, left hand still on forearm.

  27. Left foot pivots, right foot moves counter clockwise into shizen tai stance facing 4:00.  Left hand advanced chest block, right hand advanced groin block.

  28. Still facing 4:00, chamber left leg to avoid sweep.  Left hand cocked back, right hand open and protecting ribs.

  29. Left foot steps down into a horse stance, left hand punch to head, right hand open and protecting ribs.  Left hand pulls back to chin and back fists, right hand open and protecting ribs.  Left hand come back to ear and advanced groin block, right hand returns to obi.  Steps are done quickly!!

  30. Right foot pivots, left foot retreats 180 degrees into a horse stance.  Right hand groin block, left hand on obi. 

  31. left foot remains planted.  Right foot slides into shizen tai stance facing 10:00.  Right hand advanced groin block, left hand advanced chest block.

  32. Still facing 10:00, right foot comes forward and into chamber to avoid sweep.  Right hand cocked back, left hand open protecting ribs.

  33. Right foot steps down into a horse stance, Right hand punch to head, Left hand open and protecting ribs.  Right hand pulls back to chin and back fists, left hand open and protecting ribs.  Right hand come back to ear and advanced groin block, Left hand returns to obi.  Steps are done quickly!!

  34. Left foot pivots, right foot retreats 180 degrees into a horse stance, left hand groin block, right hand on obi.

  35. Right foot pivots, left foot moves into cat stance, facing 12:00, right arm elbow strike left arm in chamber.

  36. Left foot pivots, right foot moves into a cat stance facing 12:00, left arm elbow strike, and right hand in chamber.

  37. Left foot steps back and sideways, standing straight, feet parallel, left hand open gedan barai (down block) as if punching down opponents guard, right hand groin punch. 

  38. Right foot comes to center, facing 12:00 and steps forward, step up with left foot behind right foot, left hand screens face, left hand gauges eyes and returns to protect midsection, right hand back fist (uraken tsuki) to head.

  39. Left foot steps back and right foot follows facing 12:00 feet together.  Both arms make big circle from inside the body to the outside striking down with double elbow strike down the middle.

  40. Left hand shuto with palm inwards, right fist is palm.  Light slap and proceed down to groin.  Hand circle out and slap side, Bow with hands at side.