Takioku Nidan


1.      Turn Left facing 9:00 into a left side long stance (Zenkutsu Dachi), left hand groin block (Gedan Uke), Right Chest punch (Chudan Tsuki), recoil into a Vertical Block (Tate Uke), fist shoulder height, wriest bent forward, right foot front kick (Mai Geri), stepping down into a right side forward Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi), Left Hand in Chamber.


2.      Stepping Back and Across with right foot, Pivot 180-degrees on ball of left foot now facing 3:00, right foot forward into a long stance (Zenkutsu Dachi), Right hand groin block (Gedan Uke), left hand Chest punch (Chudan Tsuki), recoil into a Vertical Block (Tate Uke), fist shoulder height, wriest bent forward, Left foot front kick (Mai Geri), stepping down into a right side forward Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi), Right hand in chamber.


3.      Left foot Stepping back to center and turning to face 12:00 step out with left foot into Zenkutsu Dachi, left hand Gedan Uke, Left Hand Head Block (Jodan Uke), Right hand Chest Punch (Chudan Tsuki), Recoil, into a Vertical Block (Tate Uke), Fist at shoulder height and wrist bent forward, Right foot front kick (Mare Geri), Stepping down into a Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi), Left Hand in Chamber.


4.      Right hand Gedan Uke, Right Hand Head Block (Jodan Uke), Left hand Chest Punch (Chudan Tsuki), Recoil, into a Vertical Block (Tate Uke), Fist at shoulder height and wrist bent forward, Left foot front kick (Mare Geri), Stepping down into a Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi, Right Hand in Chamber.


5.      Left hand Gedan Uke, Left Hand Head Block (Jodan Uke), Right hand Chest Punch (Chudan Tsuki), Recoil, into a Vertical Block (Tate Uke), Fist at shoulder height and wrist bent forward, Right foot front kick (Mare Geri), Stepping down into a Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi, Left Hand in Chamber.


6.      With Right foot Step toward 3:00 Into Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi), Right Hand Groin Block (Gedan Uke), Left hand Middle Punch (Chudan Tsuki), Recoil, into a Vertical Block (Tate Uke), Fist at shoulder height and wrist bent forward, Left foot front kick (Mare Geri), Stepping down into a Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi, Right Hand in Chamber.


7.      Mate. Right Side Forward Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi) Right hand Gedan Uke, Left Hand Chudan Tsuki, Recoil, into a Vertical Block (Tate Uke), Fist at shoulder height and wrist bent forward, Right foot front kick (Mare Geri), Stepping down into a Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi), Right Hand in Chamber.


8.      Left foot Stepping back to center and turning to face 6:00 step out with left foot into Zenkutsu Dachi, left hand Gedan Uke, Left Hand Head Block (Jodan Uke), Right hand Chest Punch (Chudan Tsuki), Recoil, into a Vertical Block (Tate Uke), Fist at shoulder height and wrist bent forward, Right foot front kick (Mare Geri), Stepping down into a Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi), Left Hand in Chamber.


9.      Right hand Gedan Uke, Right Hand Head Block (Jodan Uke), Left hand Chest Punch (Chudan Tsuki), Recoil, into a Vertical Block (Tate Uke), Fist at shoulder height and wrist bent forward, Left foot front kick (Mare Geri), Stepping down into a Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi, Right Hand in Chamber.


10.  Left hand Gedan Uke, Left Hand Head Block (Jodan Uke), Right hand Chest Punch (Chudan Tsuki), Recoil, into a Vertical Block (Tate Uke), Fist at shoulder height and wrist bent forward, Right foot front kick (Mare Geri), Stepping down into a Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi, Left Hand in Chamber.



11.  Right foot Stepping back to center and turning to face 9:00, Step out with Right Foot into Zenkutsu Dachi, right hand Gedan Uke, Left hand Chest Punch (Chudan Tsuki), Recoil, into a Vertical Block (Tate Uke), Fist at shoulder height and wrist bent forward, Left foot front kick (Mare Geri), Stepping down into a Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi), Right Hand in Chamber.


12.  Mate, Right side forward Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi), Right hand Gedan Uke, Left hand Chest Punch (Chudan Tsuki), Recoil, into a Vertical Block (Tate Uke), Fist at shoulder height and wrist bent forward, Left foot front kick (Mare Geri), Stepping down into a Long Stance (Zenkutsu Dachi, Right Hand in Chamber.


13.   Yame, Left foot moves, returning to original position facing 12:00.


14.  Yame, - Bow (Rei)