Tatakai Tamashi

  1. Turn left, facing 9:00, into a back stance (kokutsu dachi), left hand open and bent up, right hand sweeps over your head into and open hand head block (jodan shuto uke).

  1. Simultaneously, your right hand spears to the groin, your left hand is open in blocking position and the right ear.

  1. Simultaneously, as your right hand (fist) upper cut (age uchi) behind you, your left hand spears to the groin (nukite), sweep your left leg (ashi barai) to avoid a leg sweep attempt.

  1. From sweep return to back stance (kokutsu dachi), left hand open chest block, right hand open and positioned at the left elbow.

  1. Chop to the neck with left hand, switch back stance to a long stance, grab head with left hand, elbow smash head (empi uchi) with right elbow, grab head with both hands, right knee smash head (hiza geri), facing 2:00 in long stance throw opponent, Kiai

  1. Move left leg into a back stance (kokutsu dachi) facing 3:00, right hand open and bent up, left hand sweeps over your head into an open hand head block (jodan shuto uke).

  1. Simultaneously, your left hand spears to the groin, your right hand is open in blocking position at the right ear.

  1. Simultaneously as your left hand (fist) uppercuts (age uchi) behind you, your right hand spears to the groin (nukite), sweep your right leg (ashi barai) to avoid a leg sweep attempt. 

  1. From seep return to back stance (kokutsu dachi), right hand open chest block (chudan shuto uke), left hand open and positioned at the left elbow.

  1. Chop to the neck with the right hand, switch back stance to a long stance (zenkutsu dachi), grab head with right hand, elbow smash head (empi uchi) with left elbow, grab head with both hands, knee smash head (hiza geri), facing 2:00 in a long stance throw opponent.  Kiai

  1. Move left leg to 12:00 into a long stance, tension left hand middle block, left hand uppercut strike, left hand blade strike to the mid section.  Left hand tension in chamber

  1. Continue up middle with a left long stance, tension right hand middle block, right hand uppercut strike, right hand blade strike to mid section.  Left hand tension in chamber.

  1. Step forward to a horse stance facing 3:00, left hand chop to the neck, right hand (fist) in chamber.

  1. Facing 12:00 switch horse stance to long stance, left hand open head block, right hand chop to the neck. 

  1. Right foot front kick, return to long stance, groin block with the left hand

  1. Continue up the middle with a long stance, right hand punch to the mid section, left hand in chamber.

  1. Double upper cut (age uchi).

  1. right foot cross over turn (Mate) fain 4:00

  1. Step into right side natural fighting stance, left hand is open and in blocking position, right hand closed fist on the solar plexus in a vertical punch (tate tsuki) position.  Left hand open head block, right punch to the mid section, left leg side kick to knee (hidari yoko geri) and step down, right foot front kick and back to starting position now facing 7:00

  1. Step into left side natural fighting stance, right hand is open and in blocking position, Left hand closed fist on the solar plexus in a vertical punch (tate tsuki) position.  Right hand open head block, left punch to the mid section, right leg side kick to knee (hidari yoko geri) and step down, Left foot front kick and back to straight stance facing 6:00 with fists on obi. 

  1. Twisting and bending left, elbow block with right arm and bending right, elbow block with left arm.

  1. Step up into a horse stance with right leg facing 3:00, back fist with right hand, keep left fist on obi.

  1. Turn 180 degrees into a horse stance (kiba dachi) facing 9:00, spinning hammer fist (tettsui uchi) with left hand, right hand in chamber,

  1. Facing 6:00 step up with the right foot into a long stance, right hand spear to the groin (nukite), left hand open and positioned under left elbow, Kiai.

  1. Mate bring, hands back to sides of chest in shuto position, throw a cross head block with left hand in front of right.

  1. Stepping up  with right leg into a seisan dachi (feet parallel), left hand grab (at neck level), right hand punch to mid section and lock out.

  1. Stepping up with right leg in front kick position (chamber), throw a head cross block, left hand in front of right, bring hands and leg down simultaneously.

  1. repeat step 27

  1. Repeat step 27 up to cross block, when you are at chest level roll hands into a chest punch.

  1. Stepping up with the left leg into a back stance facing 11:00, left hand open hand chest block, right hand is open at left elbow and moves to solar plexus as left hand blocks.

  1. Switch back stance to a long stance, extend arm at chest level roll both hands (fists) from inside to outside and back (this is to break a wrist hold/grip).  Front kick with right foot, as soon as you return your right foot at same angle punch with left hand.

  1. Grab with both hands, the right hand reaching over your head, sweep opponent, your right leg in front of your left, throw your opponent in front of you as you set up in a horse stance facing 2:00, kiai

  1. Stepping up with right leg facing 2:00 in a back stance, right open hand chest block, left hand open at right elbow and moves to solar plexus as right hand blocks.

  1. Switch back stance to long stance, extend arms at chest level roll both hands (fists) from inside to outside and back (this is to break a wrist hold/grip), front kick with left foot as you return your right foot at (same angle) punch with right hand.

  1. Grab with both hands, the left hand reaching over your head sweep opponent, your left leg in front of right, throw your opponent in front of you as you set up in a horse stance facing 11:00, kiai.

  1. Yame

  1. Yame, Rei